Return to Kukutali

Between getting one house organized to live in and another one sold, I have not had much time for hiking. This week, after a rainy weekend, I decided it was time to get out and get a look at early fall in the North Sound. I headed over to Kiket Island in the Kukutali Preserve . The Deception Pass State Park Newsletter (.pdf) indicated some new amenities were being installed, and I wanted to check them out. Off Kiket Island, there is a swim float out in Similk Bay, about 100 meters away. It can be seen from the causeway leading to the island. It is usually populated with Cormorants and gulls, but something was different this time. Zooming out to 400 mm, I spotted this pair. They were at least twice the size of our little Harbor Seals. I believe these are either young Steller or California Sea Lions, more likely the latter. From this distance, I'm not sure it is possible to distinguish which species they are. Cormor...