A Great American Tree

I belong to an online community called American Grove . I guess you would call us tree enthusiasts. "Tree huggers" would be too narrow a term to describe all of the activities and interests there. American Grove is currently running a Great American Tree competition. They describe what they are looking for: "It’s a landmark to your community, has a compelling story, or makes a huge environmental contribution. It personifies perseverance or is a testament to history. It’s grand and noble or small and dignified." When I discovered that the Pacific Northwest had not yet been represented in the submissions, I decided I better take care of that. I submitted this photo of the ancient Douglas Fir that grows at the edge of the Sand Dune Forest in Deception Pass State Park. At more than 850 years old, I believe this tree adequately meets the criteria. It is also a favorite of mine. I am always drawn to it whenever I visit West Beach and the sand...