The Rhododendron Trail Plus Two

Yesterday's visit to the rhododendron grove in Deception Pass State Park revealed that the blossoms are finally starting to open. With some warmer weather, the blooming should go quickly now. Again, rain had been predicted, but it did not materialize. There was a heavy, dark overcast which created very poor lighting for photos in the forest understory. It was almost like night in some spots. Nevertheless, I did manage to get a few shots of the opening buds. Based on what I am seeing, this year's bloom may not be as spectacular as it was last year. I could be wrong about this. The flower buds can be difficult to spot at a distance from the trail. Rhody flower buds are set during late summer for next year's bloom. The conditions at this time can determine the quality and quantity of next year's flowers. I have also read that if there is a heavy bloom one year, some plants might take a year off. As we have seen ...