We Know It's Autumn...

...when the Heermann's Gulls stop by at West Beach in Deception Pass State Park. There are four in the photo. They are the gray-brown gulls with red beaks. Click or right-click the image to open it full size. Heermann's Gulls have a unique migration habit. After the breeding season, they come north as far as British Columbia. In December, they will start back south to reach their breeding grounds in Mexico. Their breeding season there occurs between March and July. While I watched the gulls, this Song Sparrow perched nearby to watch me watching the gulls. A gang of about a dozen juvie gulls was hanging out in the West Beach parking lot. They reminded me of high schoolers at the drive-in. Does that date me? These are park birds, accustomed to cars and people. One was so at ease, he decided to take a nap right next to my truck. It was a cool, overcast morning. I am guessing the gulls were enjoyi...