A Hike with Washington's Poet Laureate

Last Sunday, August 10th, I took part in a unique event at Deception Pass State Park. I joined a group assembling at the Pass Lake Parking Lot. We would hike to the top of Ginnett Hill with Washington State Poet Laureate Elizabeth Austen . Park Manager Jack Hartt would be our host. This was a writing workshop that incorporated a three mile hike in the woods. The Ginnett Hill trail is one of my favorite places in the park so the event was irresistible. I have the hiking part nailed. It was the writing part, with a celebrity no less, that I wasn't sure about. I have become comfortable writing for my blogs. Writing for schoolwork, however, was always difficult and stressful for me. I wondered how much like schoolwork this would be. As we got started, my anxieties were quickly put to rest. Her instructions were "Don't worry about results. Focus on engaging with your surroundings, and finding words tha...