Deception Pass Regatta

This past weekend, the rain stopped long enough to get an easy hike in at Deception Pass State Park (.pdf), I started with the Sand Dune Loop trail at West Beach (#12 on the map). Then I headed over to East Cranberry Lake. The trail (#13 on the map) begins skirting the campground which is already in full swing. Then it crosses the road and follows the lake shore to the fishing dock at East Cran. On the return to West Beach I spotted....the America's Cup? Not quite the America's Cup, but this was just as amazing in its own way. These are members of the Deception Pass Model Yacht Club . Their website describes these as one meter radio controlled model yachts . They are sailed from the shore by wireless devices that looked similar to game controllers. Number 31 caught my eye. Right-click the photos to see them full-size. The yellow boat nimbly rounds the buoy. These are real sailing boats powered only by t...