Skagit River Bridge Collapse

By now, everyone has heard about the collapse of the Interstate 5 Bridge over the Skagit River. As the crow flies, the bridge is about 12 miles/19 km from where I live. I found it interesting that Google is right on top of it. In less than 24 hours, the Google map is already showing the gap in the freeway where the bridge used to be (above). There is something else I always find interesting. Whenever the news media covers stories on subjects where I have specific knowledge, they always seem to be full of errors. For example, this article at Think Progress originally put the bridge in Seattle. They have now replace the word "Seattle" with "Washington" in the text. I wondered if they thought everything out here was Seattle, which is actually about 60 miles from the bridge. They get an F in geography and another F for lazy reporting. These mistakes make me wonder about the accuracy of all the rest of the news. Then, there is the pron...