Seeing the Forest

Autumn has arrived on South Fidalgo Island with cooler temperatures and a welcome bit of rain. Between showers, it's a great time for a walk in the woods. Nearby Deception Pass State Park is one of the best places to see both the forest and the trees. Hang your Discover Pass on your rear-view mirror and join me on a hike in the woods. Overcast skies paint the landscape in shades of gray now. Blustery winds will kick up some surf along the beach at Bowman Bay. Our destination will be Lighthouse Point on Deception Pass. It sits on the outer edge of Reservation Head on the right in the photo. This is actually a small island that is connected to Fidalgo by a tombolo or sand bar. The trail to Lighthouse Point begins just past the fishing dock. A Great Blue Heron finds the railing of the dock a convenient place to rest after some early morning fishing. The trail begins with a brief climb, skirts the cliff over Bowman ...