Return to Ala Spit

It has been almost a year since the riprap armoring was removed from the shoreline of Ala Spit on Whidbey Island . The goal was to return it to a more natural state, an effort to improve the Skagit Bay habitat for Chinook Salmon. Another project was undertaken at Wiley Slough in the Skagit River delta nearby with the same goal. It is expected that the spit will now shift and change shape naturally with the currents and tides. Ala Spit is an Island County park and a popular destination for fishing, hiking, beachcombing and wildlife viewing. I visited the site almost a year ago just after the riprap revetment was removed. At the time, it still had a kind of torn-up look. The land form has now taken on natural and more beautiful shapes and contours. Large patches of green vegetation, such as American Glasswort ( Salicornia virginica ) above, is now growing on the leeward side. The spit parallels the Whidbey mainland to form a lagoon an...