BirdCam: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Since getting my BirdCam set up, I have been specifically trying to get a picture of the Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis). These little guys provide a definition for "cute." I have gotten several shots, but they were all blurred like the one above. At least the Japanese Maple looks nice. Finally, on Halloween, I got a couple of fairly decent photos:
This is a male evidenced by his black cap. Females have a gray cap. These little birds are active and fast as lightning. They fly to the feeders, grab a seed and quickly disappear back into the trees. This accounts for the difficulty getting a clear BirdCam shot. At the front patio suet feeder, they will boldly come even if I am working close by. The second photo above shows the steely gray back. I see them running around the sides of Douglas Firs. You must look carefully as this color makes them almost invisible on the trunks. After finally getting these pictures, I moved the BirdCam to a new location and replaced the suet feeder. What would you guess was the very first bird captured here? Can you tell which end is which?